Tanki Online – Steam Pack

From Tanki Online Wiki
  1. Tanki Online Steam Pack
  2. Tanki Online Pc
see also: Help Site Consultants and Technical support

The Help Site is a single source of information for solving all of your Tanki-related issues.


Tanki X is a multiplayer tank-action game that proves that there’s more to tanks than just thick shells and firepowerA never-ending excitement in battles, lots of drive, invisible tanks, spider mines, and turret drones - these are only a few things that make the game truly special. Tanki X: Steam Pack Steam charts, data, update history. This article was helpful for 9 people. Is this article helpful for you? Yes, helpful No, not for me.

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It's more than just a database with articles by developers. If the answer to your question is not in the Knowledge Base, you'll be able to post your question as a new topic, and get the answer from other tankers, a helper or a developer.

The site supports ratings for topics and comments. The most popular questions are displayed on the start page, while the most useful answers are easy to identify thanks to the number of positive votes.

The main feature of the site is the interactive search for keywords. Once you enter the issue you want to solve, it gives you a list of the most useful articles by developers as well as players.Now, check it out yourself, ask questions, help other tankers and share your thoughts about it in this thread.

How can I access the site?

If you would like to access the Help Site site, click this heading:

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Alternatively, you can simply click this link: Help Site

Where do I sign in?

You will need to sign in; otherwise, you will not be able to ask any questions. Therefore, in order to sign in, you'll need to click here:

Will I need to register an account?

Tanki Online Steam Pack

You will not - simply use the credentials you use to log into the game itself, and answer the CAPTCHA 2.0 that will come upon checking the 'I'm not a robot' box.

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Viewing the Knowledge Base

In order to view the knowledge base, go here:

This will lead you to a variety of article, split into the appropriate categories - be sure to take a look at like before asking a question!


How do I ask a question?

For more information on how to post an 'Help Topic', click here: How to post a Help topic?
Before you ask a question, check the Knowledge Base to make sure the answer to your question isn't already in the database. This will save the staff member's time. If you're affirmative your question hasn't been answered in the database, there's one more thing you can do before asking a question.

You can proceed to enter keywords in a box before asking a question.

For example, say you wanted to ask 'How are the chances of a gold box dropping?' - in this case, you would write gold box and chances in order to find questions that are what you're looking for, if not relevant.

You enter your keywords here:

If you fail to find any questions that are relevant to what you want to ask, you may then proceed to ask a question. In order to do so, click this button:

Upon clicking that button, this should come up:

In the header, you should include the subject of the question you'd like to ask, and in the description, you should include exactly what you're asking, with as much detail as possible - if you think you're being too detailed, you're not; the more detail, the easier it is for the staff members to answer your question.

Once you've done that, click 'Post'.

Tanki Online Pc

I don't see my question!

If you've asked a question and you don't see it, this is because your question has not been approved yet. This site is on pre-moderation. This means that your question will become visible only after it has been approved by a moderator.

It's taken days! My question still isn't there!

This would be because questions will only get approved if they haven't been asked before - therefore, if you don't see your question in a matter of days, it's fair to assume it's already been asked before. Try different keywords in order to find your question.

How to answer a question

Find a question you'd like to answer, and go the bottom of the page to find this:

Add your comment, and take solace in the fact you've helped somebody out!

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