Caves Of Qud Download

Joppa (pronounced Joe-pa by Ptychomancer in his livestream) is a starting location for the game and can be an important area for early gameplay. Several important characters can be located in Joppa Elder Irudad - can be found in his large hut, dominating the northern section of Joppa, he provides some background information about Joppa and Qud. Mehmet - can be found to the left of the. Download file - Enjoy premiumness to the fullest. LetsUpload is one of the best cloud storage providers in the competitive market. We do not only provide cloud hosting solutions, but rather our aim and goal is to shine your business by giving all of the premium services completely free.

As I write this Caves of Qud is in early access and picking up a ton of momentum. This is a fantasy rouge like game and it is probably most well known for its interesting basic graphical style. It is the kind of game that really does capture your attention due to the way it looks so basic. It may not look like much, but this is one very addictive game that is going to get its hooks in you and not let go!.

Beware Qud


For a game that is so primitive in its look, Caves of Qud sucked me in like few other games I have recently have managed to do. The game is set very far into the future and the world is an absolute mess and very hostile place. Most of the technology that we take for granted is gone and now the world is a wasteland with eerie caves, a salt dessert, and other awful places.

The thing is, you live here and need to navigate, survive, and basically make the best of your situation. One thing this game does incredibly well is the world-building. There is a lot of text to read, but each time you read something about a character, creature or even an object you feel like you

You Will Die!

As this is a rouge like with permadeath, you are going to die a great deal as you progress through the Caves of Qud! When you start the game, you are on a single screen and you need to take things very slowly. You can use the L key to look around the map so you can see what each tile is. Eventually, you will learn to know what each of the icons means, but in looking you can see if there is something potentially friendly there…. Or something that will want you dead.The gameplay sees you having four options to move in as each screen is its own part of the map. Each time you move it a new screen is randomly generated so you can never truly prepare for what is coming your way. You will fight, talk, explore, and find more out about the world of Qud than you could possibly imagine.

What Mutant Are You?

One thing I have to mention, but I am not entirely sure how I can do it justice is the character you play as. You are not just a dude, but you are a mutant and the kind of mutant you are is up to you. I was a guy who had spider characteristics so I could make webs and capture people that way. The sky really is the limit from clones you can eat to just creepy and gross stuff, your character is going to be something that you have a lot of fun creating.

I had a good and interesting time playing Caves of Qud even though it is still in early access when I played it there is a lot of content here. It is the kind of game that is better if you just jump straight into it and do not read too much about it. What you really need to know is that it is a rouge like game set in a truly remarkable and imaginative world and it is done in a very cool and old school style.


  • I love the world of Qud
  • It is a very challenging game
  • The world randomly generates
  • The descriptions do a great job in helping you know more about this world
  • Making a mutant is awesome


Caves Of Qud Steam

  • Some might not be able to get past the visuals
  • You can die very soon after playing
Overall rating: 8.5

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Caves of Qud is a science fantasy roguelike epic steeped in retrofuturism, deep simulation, and swathes of sentient plants. Come inhabit an exotic world and chisel through a layer cake of thousand-year-old civilizations. Decide: is it a dying earth, or is it on the verge of rebirth?

Caves Of Qud Download

Who are you?

Play the role of a mutant indigenous to the salt-spangled dunes and jungles of Qud, or play a pure-strain descendant from one of the few remaining eco-domes—the toxic arboreta of Ekuemekiyye, the Holy City; the ice-sheathed arcology of Ibul; or the crustal mortars of Yawningmoon.

Caves Of Qud Reddit

You arrive at the oasis-hamlet of Joppa, along the far rim of Moghra'yi, the Great Salt Desert. All around you, moisture farmers tend to groves of viridian watervine. There are huts wrought from rock salt and brinestalk. On the horizon, Qud's jungles strangle chrome steeples and rusted archways to the earth. Further and beyond, the fabled Spindle rises above the fray and pierces the cloud-ribboned sky.

You clutch your rifle, or your vibroblade, or your tattered scroll, or your poisonous stinger, or your hypnotized goat. You approach a watervine farmer—he lifts the brim of his straw hat and says, 'Live and drink, friend.'

What can you do?

Anything and everything. Caves of Qud is a deeply simulated, biologically diverse, richly cultured world.

  • Assemble your character from over 70 mutations and defects, 24 castes and kits, and dozens of cybernetic implants—outfit yourself with wings, two heads, quills, four arms, flaming hands, or the power to clone yourself—it's all the character diversity you could want.
  • Explore procedurally-generated regions with some familiar locations—each world is nearly 1 million maps large.
  • Dig through everything—don't like the wall blocking your way? Dig through it with a pickaxe, or eat through it with your corrosive gas mutation, or melt it to lava. Yes, every wall has a melting point.
  • Hack the limbs off monsters—every monster and NPC is as fully simulated as the player. That means they have levels, skills, equipment, faction allegiances, and body parts. So if you have a mutation that lets you, say, psionically dominate a spider, you can traipse through the world as a spider, laying webs and eating things.
  • Pursue allegiances with over 60 factions—apes, crabs, robots, and highly entropic beings—just to name a few.
  • Follow the plot to Barathrum the Old, a sentient cave bear who leads a sect of tinkers intent on restoring technological splendor to Qud.
  • Learn the lore—there's a story in every nook, from legendary items with storied pasts to in-game history books written by plant historians. A novel's worth of handwritten lore is knit into a procedurally-generated history that's different every game.
  • DieCaves of Qud is brutally difficult and deaths are permanent. Don't worry, though—you can always roll a new character.

Words about Caves of Qud

“There’s a sense of magnificent history to dredge from its depths.” -Chris Priestman, Kill Screen

Caves of Qud is one of the best roguelikes in years, packed with evocative prose and featuring a captivating world of arcane secrets to explore.” -Heather Alexandra, Kotaku

“Narratively, this is one of the most compelling game stories that I’ve seen in a long time.” -Charlie Hall, Polygon

Caves of Qud has a particular kind of New Wave science fiction imagination that just can’t be beat.” -Cameron Kunzelman, Paste Magazine


The soundtrack can be purchased here:

Updated 1 day ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
AuthorFreehold Games
GenreRole Playing
TagsFantasy, Roguelike, Sci-fi
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Xbox controller, Gamepad (any), Touchscreen
AccessibilityConfigurable controls, High-contrast
LinksSteam, Homepage, Twitter


Caves Of Qud Free

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $14.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:


Development log

  • Feature Friday - December 4, 2020
    8 days ago
  • Feature Friday - November 20, 2020
    22 days ago
  • Feature Friday - November 7, 2020
    36 days ago
  • Feature Friday - October 16, 2020
    57 days ago



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