Airscape - The Fall Of Gravity

Airscape: The Fall of Gravity is a charming action platformer about an octopus in a dangerous world that has some serious issues with the fundamental laws of gravity.

Captured from its underwater home by a mechanical alien race, you must journey through a strange and disorienting environment where gravity follows the contours of the land and blobs of water float suspended in the air.

  • Airscape - The Fall of Gravity buy now for Windows PC, Mac and Linux, watch in-game video footage, screenshots and read reviews - Airscape is a fast-paced, ultra-challenging 60 level action platformer. You play a deep-sea octopus, kidnapped by a mech.
  • Airscape is an action platformer that, as the name implies, has a lot to do with gravity. It's the central theme of the game, as each level rotates and pulls the octopus in such a way as to add a.
  • Top Rated Lists for Airscape: The Fall of Gravity 100 items Marino's Created Pages 100 items Games I Finished in 2016 Top contributors to this wiki.

A game in which gravity is so changeable I legitimately don’t understand what is going on. That’s Airscape: The Fall of Gravity official site. There’s a free demo available over on Steam, which is the first six levels – and a full release scheduled for sometime this August, but really just check out the trailer. Airscape the Fall of Gravity attempts to one up the challenging platforming of Super Meat Boy with a game built around numerous deathtraps and no such thing as a dedicated floor. However in an attempt at making something different, the developers of Airscape messed with some core fundamentals of both platformer and camera design, to create a.

The Alpha demo includes the first two zones of the game, including six levels and the prologue, and offers up some well crafted gravity-defying platforming fun, as well as some very cool swimming elements (you are an octopus after all!). As every piece of land in the game has it’s own gravity, you’re able to jump Super Mario Galaxy-style from landmass to landmass. It’s a fun mechanic that’s used well, especially once the floating water masses are brought into play.

Airscape: The Fall of Gravity is shaping up to be an excellent platformer, fully of joy, charm and innovative level design. 8 legs of awesome.

Visit the Official Website HERE

Download the Alpha Demo, free through Steam HERE (It’s not fully optimised yet, so even powerful PC’s may have to turn the graphical settings down)

Airscape: The Fall of Gravity

Platform: PC, Mac and Linux
Developer: Cross-Product
Publisher: Cross-Product
Total score: 6 out of 10 stars
- HEX: 3
- BAJO: 3


Hypothetical; you're an octopus living a peaceful life in your sea cave when a giant robot breaks through the wall and captures all your friends - what do you do?!


Go from world-to-world rescuing your friends from evil robots?


What would you do Darren?


Robots are my people. I would talk to them. Diplomacy, Diplomacy, or complete annihilation!!!


Well, let's found out in Airscape: The Fall of Gravity.


Airscape: The Fall of Gravity is an action platformer that pits a small octopus against lasers, mines, snipers, robotic tanks, lasers, missiles and even more lasers, as you use your wits, reflexes and cunning to avoid obstacles and rescue sea-life to progress through the game. And have I mentioned the lasers? Ahahahha


Um, yes you have Darren. The first few worlds are simple enough as you come to grips with the games controls and mechanics, but it isn't long before that simplicity is taken away and blown up in some kind of diabolical laser, sniper mine contraption. And the same thing happens to your octopus, over and over and over again.


Did you know, Octopuses are considered to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates, so much so that when they're in captivity, they find ways to escape. They're considered to be excellent learners.


And it's a good thing too, because to get through these challenges, you'll need all the calamari wits you can muster.


Bajo, calamari is a squid.


It's got tentacles, suckers, same thing.




I think I unlocked the achievement for 100 deaths pretty early on in the game and it only got harder and harder.


The centenary of failure award, such a bitter sweet moment.


The 500 deaths achievement wasn't long after that!


At times success and failure are only seconds apart and the dizzying gravity effects are, well, dizzying, but fortunately, there are enough save points and checkpoints along the way that mean it's not too punishing if you don't get through something the first, second, third, fourth or umpteenth time.


I often found myself thinking, 'is it even possible to get past this bit?' Then twenty or thirty tries later, I'd be getting through it easily.


Timing is the key. When you're as precise as me, timing is your greatest weapon.


Yes, but it's also about patience.


Yes, patience isn't so much a virtue here, as it is a necessity. Difficulty aside, there were a couple of things that I thought were really cool, one of them was just how different each world was; the look, the feel, the mechanics, you never felt like you were doing the same thing. But another thing I really liked were the physics of it.


Yeah, I liked those floating globules of water and the shifting gravity, but I don't know, I thought there was an opportunity here to make the physics here even quirkier.

Airscape The Fall Of Gravity


Yeah, but it all made sense, which I think was the most important thing.


Indeed. I felt the universe was internally consistent, from the rocket platform that moves in certain directions based on where your weight is, to the fans, to the mechanics of moving around and swimming, everything reacted how I expected it would.


I had some trouble with the fans.


Not a fan?


Not a fan of those fans. I could never quite get the same reaction even when doing the same thing. Sometimes it would blow me high, other times, not so much.


I think the important question is, were you a fan of Airscape?


I was. It's full of cute characters, and beautiful art, and it's also got some challenging mechanics and I was pulling out more than a few clumps of hair while I was playing.



What about you Darren?


My biggest issue was the fact that you can not play as the robots.

Airscape The Fall Of Gravity


You wanted to play as the evil robots?

Airscape - The Fall Of Gravity Steam


Evil? They're just misunderstood.

Airscape The Fall Of Gravity Walkthrough


Right, well, I'm giving this 3 out of 5 rubber chickens. I loved it.

Airscape - The Fall Of Gravity


Yeah it's 3 out of 5 from me as well.


Ok, now it's time for another Coding Corner segment from Goose and Julian!



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